Prizes of Successful Estonia opinion stories competition have been handed over
Under the leadership of Äripäev, and with the help of Eesti Gaas and several other companies, the winners of Successful Estonia opinion stories competition were recognized today.

Äripäev /Andras Kralla
Ahto Lobjakas’ story “Estonia needs (at least) the oil shale fund” was awarded the main prize of 10,000 euros. Kuldar Leis’ story “Estonia needs to bring it closer to Tallinn” collected the second prize (3,000 euros) and Peeter Kungla’s opinion “#GR€€N€$T 100.0, i.e. our reliquium is the native forest!” came in third (2,000 euros).
The winner, Ahto Lobjakas, invited to create in Estonia an investment fund to be financed from operation of natural resources, based on the example of the Norwegian Oil Fund. Kuldar Leis showed three sources where to find money for building four-way highways. Peeter Kungla found, that instead gross domestic product we should speak about green gross domestic product.
Ain Hanschmidt, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Eesti Gaas, who participated in the work of the jury, acknowledged that the green living environment and the rational use of natural resources, which were in the focus of two winner`s stories, are clearly important issues for society today. „However, the competition Successful Estonia promotes our economic and social debate in a wider and more diverse way, it is a worthwhile undertaking, which deserves recognition and support, “added Hanschmidt.
Äripäev published 52 stories in the framework of the Successful Estonia opinion competition this year. The competition was held for the sixth season already. In addition to Eesti Gaas, the organization of the competition this year was supported by Tallinna Kaubamaja, Danske Bank, Silberauto, Nortal and Harju Elekter.
The main prize is 10,000 euros. The winner of the second place gets 3,000 and the third place gets holder 2,000 euros.
Read all participants’ stories here: